This is a short fan textgame based on the story of **"LOVE POTION DISASTER"**
(css: "font-size: 80%")[(Yes is a fangame of a fangame hehe)]
(text-style: "shudder")[ (css: "font-size: 110%")[ (color:red)[**Warning**] ] ]
This textgame contains **+18 sexual** content and is still on the works
(css: "font-size: 80%")[I do not own any of the characters, SEGA does]
(set: $EnableAutoSave to 1)(text-style: "smear")[ (css: "font-size: 180%")[**//(color:magenta)[Remains] of (color:red)[Disaster]//**] ]
//^^By: (link: "Darkinian")[(goto-url: 'https://inkbunny.net/s/3206200')]^^//
(button:"==X==")[ (css: "font-size: 140%")[ [[Start]] ] ]
(button:"==X==")[ (link: "Load")[(load-game: "file A")] ]
(button:"==X==")[ (link: "Instructions")[ (goto: "Instructions") ] ]
(button:"==X==")[ (link: "Credits")[ (goto: "Credits") ] ]
(if: $EnableAutoSave is 1)[ (link: "Autosave")[ (set: $EnableAutoSave to 0) (goto: "Menu") ] ] (if: $EnableAutoSave is 0)[ (link: "Autosave")[ (set: $EnableAutoSave to 1) (goto: "Menu") ] ]
(if: $EnableAutoSave is 1)[ (color:green)[^^Enabled^^] ](if: $EnableAutoSave is 0)[ (color:yellow)[^^Disabled^^] ](align: "===><=")[ (link: "Skip")[ (set: $Day to 1) (set: $DayHours to 12) (set: $Energy to 90) (set: $Materials to 8) (set: $Rings to 18) (set: $Mood to 10) (set: $PlaneTrip to 1) (set: $SecurityLevel to 0) (set: $SecurityProgress to 0) (set: $SonicByeAppear to 0) (goto: "Game") ] ]
Time ago, a sudden incident from an unexpected source changed Tails and his friends lives forever.
Everything around got affected; animals, plants, insects, people and even some robots... an apocalipse based on lust. The "Love Potion Disaster".
Expanded incredibly fast in the air, everyone got influenced by it but not all got controled. A few managed to fight back thought, but as far as they was aware, Tails was the only male of the gang who managed to resist its influence... to a certain point.
The potion made enemies harder to defeat and mutated other beings, and all of it swarm in numbers against us.
After survive the disaster, they are now facing the remains of the problem. Despite that most of the air is clean now, still remain almost invisible clouds of "love potion" roaming around and have to wait until they completely dissipate for everything go back to normal... if only that was so easy.
[[Next|Prologue 2]]
(set: $SonicFarewell to 0) (set: $SonicAttack to 0) (set: $RemainMints to 5) (set: $ChocoDrink to 0)
Sonic: Hey buddy,
When the effects of the potion passed, friends got filled with guilt but nobody felt more guilt than him.
Despite that I know how he feels and that he wasn't in control of his actions... //I'm still afraid of him//.
I never thought I would have to fight my best friend who ended raping and knotting me. If I been female or cuntboy, it would be highly probable we would have offspring together.
Too many people are afraid to admit... that they enjoyed it.Sonic: Listen...
He hesitated for a moment
Sonic: Tails... am leaving.
Tails: Leaving? ...Where?
Sonic: Wish I could find a way to fix things, but I can't. Just want you at least have someone you trust around... in case someday you need it.
Sonic: I will stay around for a couple days more. After that, I will try to not bother you again.
Sonic: Just wanted to thank you for... tolerate me, you know, let me be around.
Am losing him. Is this what I want?Sonic: When the disaster started... I worked on separating people that wasnt affected from those who was.
I was able to resist it so I keep moving as fast as I could, helping people and halting the corrupted... but more and more people got affected but seemed to not end plus still wasnt sure what was happening so I run pass everyone searching for the source of the problem and hopefuly put an stop to it.
At some point I reached that castle and thats when I lost myself. It was so sudden and unexpected, like if a presence suddenly controled me and the next thing I knew was that my most wild insticnts took over.
I couldn't protect you... worse I became part of the problem. I left you and the others with the charge to deal with all of it and... and...
Sonic's voice started to break
Sonic: And then when you found me... I...
Memories crossed my mind... he jumping towards me, trapped and then filled against my will.
He couldn't come up with the words... or more like he don't want to say them.
Sonic: Am so sry Tails.(align: "===><=")[ (link: "Skip")[ (set: $Day to 1) (set: $DayHours to 12) (set: $Energy to 90) (set: $Materials to 8) (set: $Rings to 18) (set: $Mood to 10) (set: $PlaneTrip to 1) (set: $SecurityLevel to 0) (set: $SecurityProgress to 0) (set: $SonicByeAppear to 0) (goto: "Game") ] ]
???: Hello buddy!
Tails flinched at the sudden call. A voice that in the past used to give him calm. His best friend and big brother... and someone he got forced to face during the disaster.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[Oh its you... Sonic.]
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Y-yeah! Long time no see!]
They stayed quiet. Tails didn't move away and Sonic didn't get closer. It was their best interaction in a while since the incident.
(color:blue)[Sonic]: (color:blue)[Just came to see how you are doing.]
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[I... manage.]
[[Next|Prologue 3]]
Since the disaster, Sonic left their home to live somewhere far away in the forest. He checks on Tails from time to time but he keeps his distance and never stays too long.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Wanted to ask if the others are ok. Most don't want talk to me right now. All I know is that some of the gang left and may not comming back for a while.]
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[I'm not in contact with them for now.]
The hedgehog keep smiling but the sadness is noticed in his eyes.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Anyway! I just wanted to know that you are ok. I... see you later Tails.]
With that Tails is alone once again.
[[Next|Prologue 4]]
6 days starting from monday
Sonic visit Tails at day 10
During the night of day * a loud howl is heard far in the distance.
Tails can decide go to the forest, the city, fly on his plane or stay home working on something.
If Tails decides to stay at home on day 14, Sonic will appear to try take him away. depends on the security of the place put in a previous day at staying home
Dont Fly at day 6, the clouds will be filled with the lust air and forcing Tails to jackoff while in midair(display: "HUD")
(css: "font-size: 90%")[- Outside -]
(if: $DayHours > 1)[ [[Road to City]] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Its Dark Outside] ] (2 hours) (Job and Store)
(if: $PlaneTrip > 0)[ (if: $DayHours > 2)[ (link: "Fly on plane")[ [[Sail the Sky]] (3 hours) / [[Fly to City]] (30 mins) ] ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[(Needs Maintenance)] ] ($PlaneTrip trips)
(if: $DayHours > 2)[ [[Explore Forest]] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Its too dark to explore] ] (3 to 5 hours)
(css: "font-size: 90%")[- At Home -]
(if: $DayHours > 0)[ (if: $Energy >= 40)[ (link: "Work on plane")[ [[Maintenance]] (4 hours) / (if: $Materials > 7)[ [[Improve]] ](else:)[Improve] (6 hours / 8 Materials) ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Requires more Energy] ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Work on plane] ]
(if: $DayHours > 1)[ (link: "Security")[ Security (if: $Materials > 5)[ [[3 hours]] ] (6 Materials) (if: $Materials > 11)[ / [[6 hours]] (12 Materials) ] ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Security] ] S. Level: $SecurityLevel
(if: $DayHours > 0)[ (if: $Energy < 100)[ (link: "Rest")[ (set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 1) (set: $Energy to $Energy + 10) (goto: "Game") ] ] ]
(css: "font-size: 110%")[ (if: $DayHours < 4)[ (button:"X===")[ [[Next Day]] ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Next Day] ] ]
(if: $ChocoDrink > 0)[ (link: "ChocoDrink")[ (set: $ChocoDrink to $ChocoDrink - 1)(set: $Energy to $Energy + 5) ] ]
(if: $Energy <= 0)[ (goto: "Fall Asleep") ]
(if: $SonicFarewell is 2)[ (goto: "Sonic Farewell") ] (if: $SonicByeAppear is 0)[ (if: $SonicFarewell is 3)[ (goto: "Sonic Farewell Letter") ](if: $SonicFarewell is 4)[ (goto: "Sonic Farewell Letter") ](if: $SonicFarewell is 5)[ (goto: "Sonic Farewell Letter") ] ] (if: $SonicAttack is 2)[ (goto: "Sonic Attacks") ](set: $UsingPlaneTrip to 0) (set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 2) (set: $Energy to $Energy - 10)
(css: "font-size: 120%")[ Traveling... ]
(live:4s)[ (goto: "City") ]
(if: $Day is 3)[ (live:2s)[ (goto: "LustCloud Road Robots") ] ]
(if: $Day is 11)[ (if: $DayHours < 1)[ (live:2s)[(goto: "LustCloud Eyes in the Dark")] ] ](set: $ForestTime to (random:3,5))(set: $DayHours to $DayHours - $ForestTime)(set: $EnergyTaken to $ForestTime * 10)(set: $Energy to $Energy - $EnergyTaken)
Tails goes to explore the forest.
(if: $LookForSonic is 1)[ Some clues about Sonic are on the ground. (set: $FindSonicProgress to $FindSonicProgress + 20) Progress: $FindSonicProgress ](if: $FindSonicProgress >= 100)[ (set: $FindSonicProgress to 101) (set: $LookForSonic to 2) Tails has a general location of Sonic's whereabouts. ]
-$ForestTime hours
-$EnergyTaken energy
(set: $GainedMaterials to (random:2,6)) (set: $GainedRings to (random:4,16)) (if: $DayHours < 1)[ (set: $GainedMaterials to $GainedMaterials + 1) (set: $GainedRings to $GainedRings + 2) ]
(either: "Fought robots (set: $Materials to $Materials + $GainedMaterials) +$GainedMaterials Materials", "Found rings (set: $Rings to $Rings + $GainedRings) +$GainedRings Rings", "Fought robots (set: $Materials to $Materials + $GainedMaterials) +$GainedMaterials Materials
Found rings (set: $Rings to $Rings + $GainedRings) +$GainedRings Rings")
(if: $Energy <= 0)[ Tails got forced to rest while exploring the woods.
-1 hour (set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 1)(set: $Energy to $Energy + 10) ]
(if: $Energy < 0)[ (link: "Keep Exploring")[ (goto: "Fallen in Forest") ] ](else:)[ (link: "Keep Exploring")[ (goto: "Keep Exploring Forest") ] ]
(if: $Energy < 0)[ (link: "Back to Home")[ (goto: "Fallen in Forest") ] ](else:)[ (link: "Back to Home")[ (goto: "Game") ] ]
(if: $LookForSonic is 2)[ (if: $DayHours < 5)[ (link: "Look for Sonic")[ (goto: "Found Sonic") ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Need to wait it be more late] ] ]
(if: $ChocoDrink > 0)[ (link: "ChocoDrink")[ (set: $ChocoDrink to $ChocoDrink - 1)(set: $Energy to $Energy + 5) ] ]
(if: $Day is 5)[ (goto: "LustCloud Horse") ]Double-click this passage to edit it.(set: $Day to $Day + 1) (set: $DayRest to 12 + $DayHours)
Tails (either: "watched a TV show", "read a book", "spend time thinking on his sofa", "read a comic") and (either: "eat a chicken sandwitch", "eat some cereal", "make a sandwitch", "make waffles", "eat a chilidog", "orders food by drone delivery").
(if: $Day is 14)[A loud howl can be heard in the distance.](if: $Day is 15)[A loud howl can be heard in the distance.]
Rest Hours: $DayRest (set: $DayRest to $DayRest * 10) (set: $Energy to $Energy + $DayRest)
(if: $EnableAutoSave is 1)[ (save-game: "file A") (color:gray)[Game Saved] ](else:)[ (link: "Save")[ (save-game: "file A") (color:gray)[Game Saved] ] ]
(if: $Day is 1)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ] ] (if: $Day is 2)[ (link: "Continue")[(goto: "Dream Day 2 Spread")] ] (if: $Day is 3)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Dream Day 3 RoboFight") ] ] (if: $Day is 4)[ (link: "Continue")[(goto: "Dream Day 4 RoboTentacles")] ] (if: $Day is 5)[ (link: "Continue")[(goto: "Dream Day 5 Forest")] ] (if: $Day is 6)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ] ] (if: $Day is 7)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ] ] (if: $Day is 8)[ (link: "Continue")[(goto: "Dream Day 8 Spider")] ] (if: $Day is 9)[ (link: "Continue")[(goto: "Dream Day 9 Water")] ] (if: $Day is 10)[ (link: "Continue")[(goto: "Dream Day 10 Unexpected Foe")] ]
(if: $Day is 11)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Dream Day 11 GlowEyes") ] ] (if: $Day is 12)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Dream Day 12 Deep Nightmare") ] ] (if: $Day is 13)[ (link: "Continue")[(goto: "Dream Day 13 Blue beast")] ] (if: $Day is 14)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ] ] (if: $Day is 15)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ] ] (if: $Day is 16)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Resume") ] ]
(if: $Day > 16)[ (link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ] ]
(if: $Energy > 100)[ (set: $Energy to 100) ] (set: $DayHours to 12) (set: $RemainMints to 5)</style><img src="https://darkxirogms.neocities.org/RemainsOfDisaster/TailsSilhoFace.png" width="38px" height="30px"></div> (live:0.2)[ **Day**: $Day (if: $DayHours > 0)[**Hours left**](else:)[**Night time**]: $DayHours **Energy**: $Energy/100 **Materials**: $Materials **Rings**: $Rings
**Mood**: $Mood/100 ](if: $Day is 10)[ (set: $SonicFarewell to $SonicFarewell + 1) ](if: $Day is 14)[ (set: $SonicAttack to $SonicAttack + 1) ] (set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 3) (set: $Energy to $Energy - 25)
Tails fly high towards the sky, feeling alive and away from troubles for a while.
(set: $Mood to $Mood + 6) +Mood
(link: "Game")[ (goto: "Game") ]
(set: $UsingPlaneTrip to 1) (set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 0.5) (set: $Energy to $Energy - 5)
(css: "font-size: 120%")[ Flying... ]
(set: $Mood to $Mood + 1) +Mood
(live:2s)[ (goto: "City") ]
(if: $Day is 9)[ (set: $GetSceneDay9 to $GetSceneDay9 + 1) (set: $LustSceneCityFly to 1) ]
(if: $Day is 9)[ (if: $GetSceneDay9 is 1)[ (live:1.5s)[ (goto: "LustCloud Fall") ] ] ](display: "HUD")
(css: "font-size: 90%")[- Commercial -]
(css: "font-size: 90%")[- Workplace -]
(if: $DayHours > 3)[ (if: $Energy > 30)[ (link: "Construction")[(set: $Energy to $Energy - 30)(set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 3) (set: $Rings to $Rings + (random:20,30)) (goto: "City")] (3 Hours) ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Need more Energy] ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Closed] ]
^^Site requires constant delivery of items at high altitude^^
(if: $DayHours > -2)[ (if: $Energy < 100)[ (link: "Rest")[ (set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 1) (set: $Energy to $Energy + 5) (goto: "City") ] ] ]
(if: $Energy > 5)[ (if: $UsingPlaneTrip > 0)[ (link: "Airport")[ (set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 0.5) (set: $Energy to $Energy - 5) (set: $PlaneTrip to $PlaneTrip - 1) (goto: "Fly to Home") ] (30 mins) ](else:)[ (link: "Road")[ (set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 2) (set: $Energy to $Energy - 10) (goto: "Road to Home") ] (2 Hours) ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Needs more energy] ]
(if: $ChocoDrink > 0)[ (link: "ChocoDrink")[ (set: $ChocoDrink to $ChocoDrink - 1)(set: $Energy to $Energy + 5) ] ]
(set: $VDrink to 0)(set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 3) (set: $Energy to $Energy - 35) (set: $Materials to $Materials - 6)
Tails worked on the security of the house.
-3 Hours
-35 Energy
-6 materials
+20% Progress (set: $SecurityProgress to $SecurityProgress + 20)
(if: $SecurityProgress >= 100)[ Security Improvement Achieved (set: $SecurityLevel to $SecurityLevel + 1) (level $SecurityLevel) ](else:)[ Total Progress: $SecurityProgress% ] (if: $SecurityProgress >= 100)[ (set: $SecurityProgress to $SecurityProgress - 100) ]
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
(set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 6) (set: $Energy to $Energy - 70) (set: $Materials to $Materials - 12)
Tails worked on the security of the house.
-6 Hours
-70 Energy
-12 materials
+40% Progress (set: $SecurityProgress to $SecurityProgress + 40)
(if: $SecurityProgress >= 100)[ Security Improvement Achieved (set: $SecurityLevel to $SecurityLevel + 1) (level $SecurityLevel) ](else:)[ Total Progress: $SecurityProgress% ] (if: $SecurityProgress >= 100)[ (set: $SecurityProgress to $SecurityProgress - 100) ]
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
(set: $Day to $Day + 1) (set: $DayRest to 12 + $DayHours)
Miles Prower has fallen asleep because of exhaustion
Rest Hours: $DayRest (set: $DayRest to $DayRest * 10) (set: $Energy to $Energy + $DayRest)
Exhaustion Penalty: -10 Energy (if: $Energy > 100)[ (set: $Energy to 100) ] (set: $DayHours to 12)
(set: $Energy to $Energy - 10)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
//Remains of Disaster// is a textgame that works similar to a puzzle. As the days pass, events will happen and depending on your choices the story can end one way or another.
**Main Objetive**: Survive the 2 weeks until the remains of the potion of disaster gets dispersed completely.
**Gameplay**: Game based on options. Each action cost time and energy so need to decide your actions carefuly which can go with one of the endings or game overs.
**Energy**: Because of the previous events during the "love potion disaster", Miles Tails prower is temporally suffering from a condition that causes him get tired faster so you need to watch out to not run out of it and rest when needed.
**Time**: You have 12 hours of sunlight each day and need to administrate the time properly. You can only start an action during the day before dawn but depending on the remaining time you can end in "Night time" (Negative numbers) which is when Tails could get in danger if he is outside. Once you spend most of the day time, you get the option to move to the next day.
**Materials**: Metalic scrapt or pieces that can be obtained exploring the forest or bought in the store at the city.
**Rings**: The coins of the game. You find them randomly by explore the forest or work in the city. Are used to buy stuff in the commercial zone of the city.
**Mood**: Is for reveal the mental state of Tails, with 50 being neutral and the higher the number the better Tails is which is important for key choices related to story parts.
(link: "Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
Tails ended falling asleep in the forest.
Time pass and he wakes up feeling something poking him. He realizes its a large worm.
He tries to get away but its too late. Tails scream as feel the slippery worm enter into his butt, inserting itself into the little fox, filling and forcing him to get hard.
Tails put his hands on his butt and tries to grab push out the worm but only could feel how it keep entering his body, exploring his insides and moving around, making him feel full everywhere else in his lower area and inflating him.
As the worm continue , it press on Tail's G-spot over and over, making the fox move around on the ground as trying different positions to expell the worm until it manages to enter completely in his butt, making Tails scream and came hard, covering the ground in front of him with his cum.
After some time, Tails gets up with a large part of the worm hanging out from his butthole, acting like a third tail moving around with his other two and the head of the worm comming out from his hard cock's peehole.
Tails became a vessel of the potion of lust, looking for spread it as the worm uses him for create their offsprings.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
(display: "HUD")
(css: "font-size: 90%")[- Hardstore -]
Materials: (if: $Rings > 9)[ (link: "Buy")[ (set: $Rings to $Rings - 10)(set: $Materials to $Materials + 1)(goto: "Store") ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Buy] ] (10 Rings) | (if: $Rings > 49)[ (link: "Buy x5")[ (set: $Rings to $Rings - 50)(set: $Materials to $Materials + 5)(goto: "Store") ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Buy x5] ] (50 Rings)
(css: "font-size: 90%")[- Food zone -]
Vanilla Milkshake: (if: $Rings > 4)[ (link: "Buy")[ (set: $Rings to $Rings - 5)(set: $Energy to $Energy + 5) (set: $VDrink to 1) (goto: "Store") ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Buy] ] (if: $VDrink is 1)[ //Tasty// +5 Energy ] (5 Rings)
Mint Candy: (if: $Rings > 1)[ (if: $RemainMints > 0)[ (link: "Buy")[ (set: $Rings to $Rings - 2)(set: $Mood to $Mood + 1)(set: $RemainMints to $RemainMints - 1)(set: $EatMintCandy to 1) (goto: "Store") ] ](else:)[(color:gray)[Enough Mints] ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Buy] ] (if: $EatMintCandy is 1)[ Sweet! +Mood ] (2 Rings)
(css: "font-size: 90%")[- Market -]
Chocolate Energy Drink: (if: $Rings > 5)[ (if: $ChocoDrink < 3)[ (link: "Buy")[ (set: $Rings to $Rings - 6) (set: $ChocoDrink to $ChocoDrink + 1) (goto: "Store") ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Carry Enough] ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Buy] ] (6 Rings)
(set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 4) (set: $Energy to $Energy - 35)
Tails worked on the plane as usual. (set: $PlaneTrip to 2)
-4 Hours
-35 Energy
+Mood (set: $Mood to $Mood + 3)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
(if: $PlaneLevel > 0)[ (set: $PlaneTrip to $PlaneTrip + $PlaneLevel) ](set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 6) (set: $Energy to $Energy - 50) (set: $Materials to $Materials - 8)
Tails worked on the plane to improve it (set: $PlaneTrip to 2)
-6 Hours
-50 Energy
-8 Materials
+33% Progress (set: $PlaneProgress to $PlaneProgress + 33)
+Mood (set: $Mood to $Mood + 4)
(if: $PlaneProgress is 99)[ Plane Improvement Achieved (set: $PlaneLevel to $PlaneLevel + 1) (set: $PlaneProgress to $PlaneProgress - 99) ]
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
(if: $PlaneLevel > 0)[ (set: $PlaneTrip to $PlaneTrip + $PlaneLevel) ]
//Nova city is under attack by eggman. Tails, Sonic and the gang began to fight the robots.
At some point a new machince of eggman manages to grap most of the gang in mechanic tentacles, including Tails.
As they are lifted, eggman launch missiles that hits the city, damaging and shaking buildings. Before he is taken into the ship, a pink cloud spreads fast on the air.
Next thing he knows, all the females that was helping in the fight was suddenly pleasing themselves, even Cream! The sight was something most unexpected but somehow he's not very bothered by it.//
(link: "Wake up")[ (goto: "Game") ]
//Tails is running in dark village towards the castle. Fighting strong adversaries he finally made it to the big room.
There, Sonic stood, looking confused and dizzy
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[ Sonic...? ]
(color:blue)[Sonic]: (color:blue)[Tails... run away from me!]
Then the moon appeared which caused sonic to transform into a big and powerful werehog once again.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[(text-style: "shadow")[GRRAAAAAAH!!] ]
The blue creature jumps to attack his little brother. Tails is forced to face this unexpected foe.//
(link: "Wake up")[ (goto: "Game") ]
//Tails keeps fighting as is surrounded by robots, using bombs when many got near him and keep up the attack until leave them out of commision.
He was very confused why the robots was behaving this way but then he remembered that inside Dr. Eggman's robots are little creatures powering them up and he started to wonder if they got affected the same way his friends did.
As he progress, manages to avoid a few weird situations by learning the enemies patterns. Suddenly a moving hole gets close to him and grey tentacles comes from it, grabbing the little fighter.
When Tails recognize what they are and what they want, he gets scared as one of the tentacles has a mouth and is licking itself, forcing the legs to open and ready for the meal it's about to steal from the fox's crotch.//
(link: "Wake up")[ (goto: "Game") ]
//Tails made his way through the forestal zone until he encountered mutated creatures and corrupted animals having no choice but fight any that tried to attack him.
The waves of enemes keep comming until at some point he got pushed, falling to the ground, to discover a big horse on top of him.
His vision gets dizzy, overwhelmed, then he released for later get filled where shouldn't be filled with a mix of his own content and the animal.//
(link: "Wake up")[ (goto: "Game") ]
In the damaged castle, between stone walls and in front of a big broken stained glass, Miles Tails Prower faced his most difficult and unexpected adversary.
Covered in blue fur, stronger muscles and armed with sharp claws, an lobified Sonic in similar built as the Gaia's conflict, stood on the way of the fox and the others.
How I managed to stay cheerful and be my usual self during all of that? The answer was the potion itself. The potion was the problem but also the reason I managed to face those adversities because its chemicals helped me relax and keep me going which I used to fight until the very end.
When everything was over I ended traumatized by all of it and developed new fears... after all nothing in me is innocent anymore. I got raped or forced to mate with multiple enemies and adversaries... unwanted lovers.
I became afraid of be near people and some animals like horses, even stayed away from the ocean.
I got forced to push out worms from my body, both from my butt and also from the front as large worms was comming out from my urethra.
After the incident passed, is taking us time and hard work to be again as we used to be and some never recovered from it. Also was an increase on population as many got pregnant, some by multiple guys at the same time or even from monsters which caused new hybrids and an increase of that part of the population. Not even I got spared from that despite be male as I got forced to experiment something similar to give birth a couple times and even lay eggs which from that comes my fear of spiders and certain kind of ghost-like octopus.
Because of that, and previous mentioned reasons, most of the female population separated temporaly from the male population.
Is estimated that the remains will be gone in a week. As long as I stay home that means I would be safe... or at least thats what I thought
but my friendship with my friends seems to be in danger to end before that happens.
After what happened, it was understable that the others wanted to leave this zone and its surroundings. I considered that posibility over and over.
(if: $AvailableChat is 1)[ [[Online Chat]] ] (1 Hour) (Once per day)Tails explores the forest and find some rings on his way. Over time he gets more relaxed and goes deeper than expected. It was usual he goes on for hours which sometimes reminded him good times just running around and helping Sonic which sometimes lifted his mood and others decreased it.
As he advanced, he felt more relaxed and a bit hot and felt confused by it. Then he catch a musky odor in the air, spotting a herd of horses. At first he smiled but then noticed all are males which caused a lewd sensation in his body when saw them suddenly fucking with each other.
Tails quickly got memories of the disaster and understood whats going on, causing him to get anxious. An invisible remain of the potion of love is in the air in this area.
Before he start to move away, a horse appears behind him and gets too friendly with the little fox, making Tails uncomfortable and arousing him at the same time.
Tails tried to run as his cock got exposed but the horse blocked his path, forcing him to fight. At first he managed keep the animal away but Tails got quickly exhausted which the horse used to takle him to the ground and get on top of him.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[Uh oh]
[[Next|LustCloud Horse 2 Bad End]]
//With pain in his butt, Tails sumerged into the ocean. The potion's influence expanded into the the water around the city.
Aquatic creatures began their assault and Tails start to fight, keeping the swarm of creatures at bay with his weapon.
Then an electric eel manages to get close to Tails and manages get behind him. Tails felt suddenly a strong pressure in his backside until he feels full and then electricity running violently in his body.//
The electric shot is so vivid that manages to wake him up, startled and covering his face with his hands, ashamed of his body's reaction. At least he hasn't planned on go to the ocean, is too far for go on foot too so he is safe of that.
(link: "Get up")[ (goto: "Game") ]
//Tails goes deeper into the forest, fighting the waves of enemies on his way. Then he got suddenly surrounded in a web. Trapped and held in place, unable to move.
A large mutated spider got him and quickly covering him more and more. Later the creature get on his back and Tails manage to notice that the aracnid has a tentacle-like ninth extremity.
Next thing Tails remember is little slimy green balls on the ground under him.//
(link: "Wake up")[ (goto: "Game") ]
//Tails with pain in his heart, fought with all he got, trying to get his friend back to his senses but the beast is very strong and resistent.
The fox keep up and dodging the claws but one point he got caught.
???: (color:blue)[(text-style: "outline")[Hey little buddy] ]
The blue beast got on top of the fox, towering on him, imposing himself over his little brother.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[S-sonic Stop!]
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[ (text-style: "outline")[LET'S DO THIS!] ]
The decayed room got filled with grunts and moans, witness of the forced union of the beast and his best friend.//
[[Continue|Waking up from Dream 13]]
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[AAAAAHH!!]
Tails wakes up screaming from his nightmare. A memory of when he got forced to fight the person he cared and trusted the most, transformed into a beast and who claimed him multiple times before Tails finally defeated him.
What disturbed the fox the most is his hard cock between his legs.
During the disaster, the potion keep him going like normal and cheerful all the way until he and the others finally defeated most of those guided by the artificial lust, but when the effects run out the realization finally caught up which caused Tails and some of the others to change and take time away from everybody.
His win against Sonic was almost nothing in comparison to all the things that happened and the multiple times the blue werehog took Tails and did as he pleased with the fox. Remember all that causes Tails to get distressed but also very hard, forced to deal with his mixed emotions.
[[Jack Off|Jack Off Nightmare]]
[[Think of Something else]]
Tails can't help it and guiltily begin to jack off. Remembering how Sonic managed to catch him when he tried to get away and putting their bodies together, making both their cocks get hard.
//The big werehog mount the little fox and began their mating. Tails tried to resist but was unable to get away from the strong creature.
Sonic keep fucking Tails deep and hard while holding his little brother in place until his excitement gets so high that his knot inflate and locking their bodies together, scaring the poor Tails who is filled with surprise and horror mixed with unwanted arousal as Sonic howls to the moon and filling the fox with his potent cum.
Then Tails manages to get up and tried to gain distance but the werehog used his long arms to easily reach and hit him with those claws for then take Tails again to mate him, over and over.
Moans, grunts, whines and maniatical laughs filled that chapel as Sonic keep raping Tails during their battle.//
[[Cum|Cum jack off Nightmare]]
Tails jacks off as fast as he can, let out a cry as he cums hard into the air. Shoot after shoot he moans until finally he release all.
</style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="50px" height="50px"></div>
Covered in sweat and his own sperm, Tails curl into a fetal position and began to cry, distressed and ashamed of himself as the last drops of cum leak from his cock.
Tails stayed in bed for the rest of the day and hoping he don't get visited by Sonic for a while.
(set: $Mood to $Mood - 5) -5 Mood
(set: $Day to $Day + 1) (set: $DayRest to 12 + $DayHours) (set: $Energy to 90)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
Tails shake his head. Part of him try to focus on the memories of Sonic and him as a team and family. Sonic is the reason he managed to keep up and improve himself and see life in a better way.
Comes to mind all the support he gave him over the time and the difficulties they faced together but also comes the memories of the castle, Sonic violating him, united to his big brother and best friend in forced sex.
Then Tails remembers the sadness he saw in Sonic before he left, it was the most depressed he ever saw the hedgehog, causes his heart to twitch and unsure of what to do. He wants things go back as they used to be but can't ignore what happened during the disaster.
Should continue try to stay safe or try to find him in the forest?
Remains: 3 days before Sonic leaves.
(set: $LookForSonic to 1)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
The 15 days has passed
(if: $SonicGood is 1)[](else:)[Sonic is gone. Will be very hard to track him again.]
Tails managed to avoid trouble from be trapped by the lust.
Main Objetive achieved but to Tails don't feel it like a victory.
He decides seclude himself, working on the tornado and his inventions, to avoid forbidden thoughts and maybe someday forget the disaster.
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
(set: $SonicByeAppear to 1)
As Tails decides on what to do now, someone knocks at his door.
Tails carefully opens it to see Sonic walking backwards to avoid invade the fox's personal space.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Hey hi Tails.]
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[Sonic.]
Sonic makes a pause.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[What I came to say is... am leaving.]
The fox got suddenly surprised.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[What do you mean?]
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Am moving out. Will leave the city and live somewhere far away... where I won't be a bother.]
Tails felt a heavy weight in his chest. Sonic looked like was having trouble to come up with the words.
[[Next|Sonic Farewell 2]]
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[I will be around a for 5 days taking care of some of the things in the forest and reduce their numbers... just want to say that am sry, I never wanted to hurt you but nothing I say will change what I did so am going far away so I don't be a bother and you continue your life as you see fit.]
Tails didn't knew what to say. Sonic is sad, the most sad Tails ever saw him.
For a moment it looked like Sonic wanted to get close to hug him but Tail's body instintively reacted which caused Sonic realize what he was doing and back off with a pained expression and had no one but blame himself.
(set: $Mood to $Mood - 1)-Mood
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Goodbye Tails and... stay safe.]
With that, the blue hedgehod run away from the house, dissapearing into the forest. Tails takes some time to think before continue with his day.
(set: $DayHours to $DayHours + 1)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
(set: $SonicByeAppear to 1)
Tails found a letter in front of his door. Is from Sonic.
(color:blue)[ //Hello Tails. You seemed busy and I didn't wanted to interrupt or bother you.
Wrote this to tell you that I'm sry, I never wanted to hurt you but I wasn't strong enough and am glad you managed to stop me, preventing I hurt others too.
Am leaving the city in 5 days to live somewhere far away. Will be around a few days before leave completely and stop being a stone in your shoe.
There will be full moon in a few days, I suggest you avoid the forest for a few days and increase the security of your house in case again am not strong enough. I don't trust myself so I will try to be as far as can be before move away.
Farewell. Am so sry I betrayed your trust and thank you for all the time you was at my side. You was the best friend I could asked for.
Sonic// ]
Tails looks outside and see fresh footprints that dissapear into the forest. He takes some time to think before continue with his day.
(set: $DayHours to $DayHours + 1) (set: $SonicLetter to 1)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
A strong bang is heard from the front door, then another. Tail's house is under attack. He manages to see through the window that a blue furred beast is trying to break down the door and enter.
Security Level: $SecurityLevel
(if: $SecurityLevel > 1)[ Sonic keeps hitting the door and grunting like a feral animal but the door manages to resist him. Then he looks to the small window and see Tail's (if: $Mood <= 50)[scared](if: $Mood > 50)[worried] expression which makes the werehog to desist and see his claws for then cover his face in shame and run to the forest.
(set: $Mood to $Mood - 5) -5 Mood
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Game") ]
(if: $SecurityLevel < 2)[ Sonic keeps attacking the door until it manages to knock it down and enter into the house. Tails gets stunned for a second before try to run away but is too late before the beast jumps on him.
Tails tries to fight back but the werehog learned from their previous encounter and manages to keep Tails pinned down for then began to lick the little fox's butthole.
Tails blush hard, scared and embarrased as continue trying to push Sonic away as that big mouth is eating his ass and the werehog's large tongue invading his insides, causing him to moan in forced pleasure and shame.
The blue beast push out his tongue, only to reemplace it with his large cock, with the tip poking the fox's entrance. Tails tries to move his butt away but Sonic holds the little butt in place and shoves in his knotted cock.
Tails let out a scream as Sonic connects their bodies once again and began to mate his little bro.
Grunts and maniatycal laughs fills the house as Sonic have sex with Tails until the werehog knots him and breed him with a loud howl deep into the forest.
The transformed Sonic continued mating non-stop until Tails passed out who then secured all the windows and entrance of the house, blocking the light so he stayed in his current form as much as possible to continue having sex with his little brother and force the fox to be his mate.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
Tails looks around the forest towards where the clues leads him. He looks for a while as the day loses its light. Then a loud howl is heard and Tails carefully goes to the source.
As quietly as he can, Tails manages to find the transformed werehog but he is not alone. The blue beast is fighting robots and some mutant creatures, corrupted by the remains of the disaster and for the chaos show on the ground, the fight been prolonged for long.
Sonic gets some hits but always manages to bring down his adversaries. Seems he is the reason why is hard find robots in the forest now.
Mood: $Mood
(if: $Mood >= 40)[ (link: "Help fight")[Tails decides to help and knock out a couple of Robots. The transformed Sonic notices this and focus on fight the group of mutants in front of him. It don't takes long for the remaining enemies to be defeated. [[Next|Before Confront]] ] ](else:)[ (link: "Help")[ Tails hasn't fully recovered but he still decides to help anyway and attracts the attention of some robots, luring them away from Sonic and reduce the burden on him. [[Next|Lure Away]] ] ]
Tails run in the forest towards the house with the robots chasing him.
Thankfully he recovered partially from his medical condition and manages to reach safety.
The secured door keeps the robots away as they attack but seems the previous damage Sonic did to it could give them a chance.
(set: $SecurityLevel to $SecurityLevel - 1) -1 Security Level
Just then, Sonic appears and destroys the robots with his big claws. Then nothing, everything got silent. They helped eachother, for a moment they was a team once again.
(set: $Mood to $Mood + 3) +Mood
(color:blue)[Sonic]: (color:blue)[Tails...?]
The blue beast put his eyes on the door and Tails knows it... but the weight in his chest reminds him of the memories from before. What will he do?
Mood: $Mood
(if: $Mood < 40)[ (link: "Stay still")[Tails despite his tries, he isn't ready yet. He forgave Sonic because he knows deep inside that wasn't his fault but that still don't changes completely what happened which just remember it makes him almost feel it again in his backside.
Sonic waited but at getting no response he got the message. With a pained howl he dissapeared into the forest and didn't come back.
(set: $Day to $Day + 1) (set: $DayRest to 12 + $DayHours) (set: $Energy to 90)
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "Resume") ] ] ]
(set: $ForestTime to (random:2,3))(set: $DayHours to $DayHours - $ForestTime)(set: $EnergyTaken to $ForestTime * 10)(set: $Energy to $Energy - $EnergyTaken)
Tails keep exploring the forest.
(if: $LookForSonic is 1)[ Some clues about Sonic are on the ground. (set: $FindSonicProgress to $FindSonicProgress + 20) Progress: $FindSonicProgress ](if: $FindSonicProgress >= 100)[ (set: $FindSonicProgress to 101) (set: $LookForSonic to 2) Tails has a general location of Sonic's whereabouts. ]
-$ForestTime hours
-$EnergyTaken energy
(set: $GainedMaterials to (random:2,5)) (set: $GainedRings to (random:4,14)) (if: $DayHours < 1)[ (set: $GainedMaterials to $GainedMaterials + 1) (set: $GainedRings to $GainedRings + 2) ]
(either: "Fought robots (set: $Materials to $Materials + $GainedMaterials) +$GainedMaterials Materials", "Found rings (set: $Rings to $Rings + $GainedRings) +$GainedRings Rings", "Fought robots (set: $Materials to $Materials + $GainedMaterials) +$GainedMaterials Materials
Found rings (set: $Rings to $Rings + $GainedRings) +$GainedRings Rings")
(if: $Energy <= 0)[ Tails got forced to rest while exploring the woods.
-1 hour (set: $DayHours to $DayHours - 1)(set: $Energy to $Energy + 10) ]
(if: $Energy < 0)[ (link: "Keep Exploring")[ (goto: "Fallen in Forest") ] ](else:)[ (link: "Keep Exploring")[ (goto: "Keep Exploring Forest") ] ]
(if: $Energy < 0)[ (link: "Back to Home")[ (goto: "Fallen in Forest") ] ](else:)[ (link: "Back to Home")[ (goto: "Game") ] ]
(if: $LookForSonic is 2)[ (if: $DayHours < 5)[ (link: "Look for Sonic")[ (goto: "Found Sonic") ] ](else:)[ (color:gray)[Need to wait it be more late] ] ]
(if: $ChocoDrink > 0)[ (link: "ChocoDrink")[ (set: $ChocoDrink to $ChocoDrink - 1)(set: $Energy to $Energy + 5) ] ]
(if: $Day is 8)[ (goto: "LustCloud Spider Bad End") ] (if: $Day is 11)[ (if: $DayHours < 2)[ (goto: "LustCloud Eyes in the Dark")] ]
Tails have a temporal condition that causes him to get tired faster because of all what he had to endure during the disaster so has to be careful with his actions until he recovers. Meanwhile he would have to do what he can to stay safe and mostly from the remaining effects of the disaster which appear in different parts during the day but the main danger is mostly during night so he has to avoid being out by that time but also be careful of not run out of energy.
The answer normally would be stay in home but realized that right now isn't an option and if nothing is done he may lose friends before the week ends. What he will do?
(button:"=X=")[ (css: "font-size: 120%")[ (link: "Game")[ (set: $Day to 1) (set: $DayHours to 12) (set: $Energy to 90) (set: $Materials to 8) (set: $Rings to 18) (set: $Mood to 10) (set: $PlaneTrip to 1) (set: $SecurityLevel to 0) (set: $SecurityProgress to 0) (set: $SonicByeAppear to 0) (goto: "Game") ] ] ]
</style><img src="https://darkxirogms.neocities.org/RemainsOfDisaster/617b77_07172e24e91e44f99e737bc1aeb9ec73~mv2.webp" width="120px" height="90px"></div>
With just remains of robots around and the creatures fleed, only remained the two previously close buddies.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Thank you Tails.]
Sonic did not know what else to say as fear he would mess up.
Tails is visibly tired, clearly isn't half of what he was before and have still a long way to recovery, yet the little fox helped him. It is the first time in so long Tails was the one who got near and not the other way.
Sonic did not dare to move an inch and wait for Tails recover his breath and when he did, it become clear he wants to speak his mind.
[[Confront Sonic]]
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[One moment is like everyday, and the next am exposed to things I did not knew or even imagined until that moment.]
The fox clenches his fists.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[I had to bear lose against many opponents I encountered. I got molested and raped multiple times over and over. Sucked by tentacles, molested by robots, violated by worns both in front and behind, fucked with dolphins and nightmares, was transformed multiple times and also got my penis engulfed by a horsecock extracting my cum for later forcing his feral cum into my balls!]
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Tails... I...]
[[Let emotions flow]]
[[Compose and keep up]]
Tails couldn't keep up and fall on his knees, crying and letting his locked emotions flow. After the fox cried for a few minutes, suddenly got darker, the moon got hidden by a cloud and for some reason Sonic managed to return to his usual self. Won't be the first time he manages the imposible.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Tails. Am going to get closer, slowly, so please bear with me for a moment.]
Tails looked hestitant but it was the Sonic he knew for years so he resisted the feeling of want get away and Sonic took it as permission to get closer, slowly and careful as trying to not scare the fox until managed to be in front of him and get on his knees.
Sonic: I'm so sry, Its my fault for not be careful when all this happened and then I couldn't control myself and I hurted you. Am so sry, I really do and will do all it takes trying to make it right, if thats what you want. I care for all my friends but you are the most important person in my life.
Sonic then hugs Tails who at first his fears are hitting him hard but at feel his big brother hug him and that he is also suffering and regretful of his actions, moves Tails heart and reminds him of all the time Sonic has cared for him and helped him, being a team, best friends and seeing eachother as family.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[It wasn't your fault, I knew it but I was so scared and I gave you the back. I'm sry.]
Tails returned the hug and Sonic felt a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Both cried in the middle of the night until the moon reapeared in the sky.
[[Next|Sontails 1]]
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[When the incident and the effects passed, it all sink in and I closed myself. Can't remember any of those things without get hard and end feeling disgusted of myself.]
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Tails, buddy, I don't know what to say more than I am sry and maybe we could figure out something.]
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[I know it wasn't your fault. You never would hurted me intentionally and without good reason but... I just can't. I forgive you... but I can't be around you, at least not for now.]
Sonic is visibly hurt but he understands.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[You speak up yor mind with courage. Am proud of you buddy. Won't bother you anymore, just hope you give me a chance someday to right my wrongs.]
The blue werehog dissapears into the forest.
Tails returned to his house, his courage has returned but as soon as he got into safety he cries alone in the darkness as he pushed awaythe person he most cared for.
**Sad Ending**
(link: "Back to Menu")[(goto: "Menu")]
For years both had feelings for eachother but never did anything that could break their bromance, but now everything is different as circunstances got them closer together in a way they didn't expected.
The light of the moon parcially reflected on Tail's eyes, making Sonic's heart race.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[You're the most important person to me in the whole world.]
Tails blushed for the first time in long and slowly their lips got connected. Sonic and Tails began to kiss, holding eachother in an embrace like if life depended on it.
They keep kissing until they fall on the ground, softened by a bed of grass. In that moment nothing else mattered and for once their minds are at peace, enjoying be united again... at least until the moon appeared fully in the sky once again.
Sonic felt the rush in his body as the magic of the ritual began to flow, causing him to panic.
[[Next|Werehog x tails]]
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[No no! I'm going to transform again. Tails ru...]
Without able to resist anymore, Sonic gets transformed into a werehog once again and in front of Tails who clearly has having bad memories and getting scared.
Before anything else could happen, Sonic fall on his back and stays there, worried that he is about to ruin everything again.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[I don't wanna hurt you again, go home where you will be safe. I'm so sry, promise I won't follow you.]
Tails could hear the worry in Sonic's voice. Tails is scared but can see Sonic is now even more scared so he fought his emotions and got closer to the blue werehog.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[I'm not abandoning you again. I trust you.]
Then the fox get on his knees and lay his head on Sonic's fluffy chest. I is obvious both are struggling with the memories of what happened during the disaster but in reality it wasn't fault of any of them but as memories keep flowing, it became obvious that something else of them awaken.
[[Werehog x tails 2]]
The air begin to change as their smell become stronger, being Sonic the first to notice it, yet still not daring to move an inch. Tails tried to hide it but Sonic could feel the aroused penis on his fur.
Tails isn't just aroused, he is in heat and been fighting it for a while but it become obvious at that point.
Sonic and Tails looked each other and slowly the werehog put his claw on Tail's hand, being as careful as he can to not scare him and the fox notices this.
Tails stop fighting his emotions and let Sonic see his aroused pink cock.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[You're beautiful.]
Sonic lift himself until be on a sitting position and began to show himself to Tails as his knotted red cock got hard. Both are nervous but clearly aroused at the same time, yet Sonic don't move and allow Tails to do what he wants to.
Tails gets closer to the big cock and begin to sniff it all over and his lungs being filled with that sexy smell and then he looks into Sonic's eyes with desire. They both want eachother.
[[Next|Werehog x tails 3]]
Tails licks the big cock like a lollypop tasting all of it around for then engulf it as much as he could, sucking hungrily while Sonic moaned hard while resisting the urge to push Tail's head deeper.
The fox keeps nursing the cock, pleasing the blue beast and drinking the intoxicating precum. Then feels how his hips are being lifted carefully and then start to moan with the werehog cock still in his mouth as his foxhood is being licked by a big and large tongue.
The cutie and the beast are in their own 69, pleasing one another, hungry for drink that salty nectar of their lover. Tails is having trouble to focus but keeps going until gets rewarded by spurts of potent werehog cum, drinking all he can and getting his tummy filled with that salty meal.
Sonic grab his little lover in position to face him and press his mouth on Tails's crotch and continue suck hard making Tails scream with pleasure until his emotions win over him and cum hard into Sonic's mouth as the blue werehog keeps treating that sensitive pink cock like a straw, sucking all the sperm he can and prologing the fox's orgasm.
(color:blue)[**Sonic**]: (color:blue)[Thanks for the drink~]
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[Sonic! Don't make this weird!]
Sonic and Tails began to laugh and then put the heads together as symbol they are in peace again. Then they make out and stay laying on the grass together for the rest of the night.
They became best buddies once again and also something more.
(set: $Mood to $Mood + 10) +Mood
(css: "font-size: 120%")[**Good Ending!**]
(link: "Back to Menu")[(goto: "Menu")]
</style><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/617b77_07172e24e91e44f99e737bc1aeb9ec73~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_546,h_420,al_c,lg_1,q_85,enc_auto/617b77_07172e24e91e44f99e737bc1aeb9ec73~mv2.png" width="120px" height="90px"></div>Tails found some rings and robot's spare parts on the way but then began to feel a bit dizzy. At first considered he is falling asleep because of fatigue but then his body begin to feel hot.
At first he couldn't understand as the forest is usually more cold than warm until got a sudden sensation that make him stop on his tracks. At first he got relaxed like if his worries are fadding away but quickly recognized the sensation which caused he get anxious and agitated. A remain of the potion of love reached the air of the forest.
Tails proceeds to escape from the forest but don't reach to far as a large mutated spider is on the way to him. Is when he noticed his smell also changed and it's becoming stronger and that's how he got found.
The invisible cloud of lust gives him some energy like happened during the disaster but his condition still had bigger effect. Tails manages to fight the mutant but it is persistent and he don't last for very long so at one point the spider manages to trap him with its web.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[Uh oh]
[[Next|LustCloud Spider Bad End 2]]
The spider surround Tails with some of its web and claims on the fox's back. Tails tries to shake the arachnid away but its attached to him and feel how it allineate its butt with his.
An insectoid penile pokes Tails anus and the mutant spider pushes in, making the fox complain and struggle with his restrains. Tails also tried to call for help but his voice got shut when some of the web got over his mouth which muffled his protests as felt how the arachnid cock enter fully into him, forcing him to sucumb to the lust.
The mutated spider mates with his catch, fucking the little fox butt constant and hard while keeping him in place and causing sexual wet noise as the fucking becomes faster and making Tails moan hard.
Both climax. Tails spurting cum and the spider filling him with slimy green eggs. The spider proceeds to drag the fox to its den to keep him trapped and continue their fucking.
The small cave gets filled with Tail's cum, smell of sex and green slimy liquid comming out of the fox butt as he lay eggs while getting feed by regurgitation from his new lover and unable to do anything else but produce more offspring together.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
Next thing he knew, the large horsecock aligned with his cock and engulfed him with force, making Tails see stars.
With his penis inside the horse's feral penis, Tails tried to move the animal's member away from his but the lewd sensation became so strong that he can't do anything more than feel how his cock is being masturbated until he couldn't resist any longer and cum directly in the horsecock.
Tails cum got sucked into the animal's testicles. Then, in the same position they are, the horse came hard into Tail's penis, forcing his feral cum into the fox, inflating them and mixing their sperm in the now violated fox's balls.
Tails lost consciousness and took him time to wake up. Before he knew it, his tails got tied around the big creature and gasp as feeling the large horsecock invade his butt. Tails tries to get free but is unable to reach the knot.
The horse run deep into the forest with a screaming Tails still trapped and impaled to the horsecock, keeping the little fox as a cock warmer and mate him anytime over and over.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
Fangame made in 10/12/2023
by //Darkinian//
Special thanks to the supporters who tested the game during it's completion and my friend Andy for help with grammar.
(css: "font-size: 80%")[ //Happy Late 18th Birthday Tails// ]
</style><img src="https://darkxirogms.neocities.org/RemainsOfDisaster/617b77_07172e24e91e44f99e737bc1aeb9ec73~mv2.webp" width="120px" height="90px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
Tails enter the hangar and gets ready for go to his plane but detects a strange smell in the air. Suddenly an hole open around him and grey tentacles comes out, surrounding him. An invisible cloud of the potion of lust made it to this place.
Energy: $Energy
Tails (if: $Energy < 25)[ struggle to get free but he's doesn't have enough energy. The tentacles quickly trap and hold him in place, lifting him to the air and open his legs.
He gets filled with a mix of fear and arousal. Memories flow in his mind, remembering his fights with this kind of creatures and that always managed to capture him, but more importantly what they did to him, causing his privates be exposed unintentionally.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[Uh oh]
[[Next|LustCloud Mecha Tentacle Bad End]] ](else:)[ Fights with all his might, struggling and kicking to get away for save himself from be molested and violated by them.
He succeed and get free from the tentacles, opening his way to the Tornado to turn it on. The tentacles tries to hold him and the plane but with kicks and punches manages to escape and fly away while contacts the airport's tower about the situation so the local authorities deal with it.
(set: $Mood to $Mood - 3)-Mood
This affected him but still keep going as just wanna go home, plus need to check the plane in his workshop for any possible damages. (set: $PlaneTrip to 0)
(link: "Fly to Home")[ (goto: "Fly to Home") ]
(if: $Day is 4)[ (goto: "LustCloud Mecha Tentacle") ] (if: $Day is 12)[ (if: $DayHours < 1)[ (goto: "LustCloud Nightmare") ] ]
(css: "font-size: 120%")[ Flying... ]
(set: $Mood to $Mood + 1) +Mood
(live:2s)[ (goto: "Game") ]
(css: "font-size: 120%")[ Traveling... ]
(live:4s)[ (goto: "Game") ]
(if: $Day is 11)[ (if: $DayHours < 1)[ (live:2s)[(goto: "LustCloud Eyes in the Dark")] ] ]Tails tries to squirm harder to get away as the tentacles begin to molest his foxcock and forcing him to get harder. Then one tentacle alings itself with the penis and engulf it in one go all the way to the base.
The fox panics as his cock dissapeared into the tentacle and tries to kick it away but quickly his face change from fear to lust as the tentacle gives him a blowjob while another tentacle enter into his mouth, fucking it and shut him up so he can't alert anyone else.
The tentacle continue sucking Tails's cock faster and faster while the fox keep trying to get away until his lewd emotions win and unable to hold any longer he cums hard into the tentacle which drink the fox's sperm eagerly.
Tails all tired for the assult to his cock, realize too late that the tentacles are taking him to the hole with them to their place where they will milk him over and over. Tails scream gets cut short as the hole closes and dissapears without a trace.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
//Tails got surrounded by robots and began fighting, punching and kicking any that got near him. The robots somehow became stronger and Tails needed to hit them more times than before. Can't understand why all this happening but he can get his answers later, first have to open a path and save the city.
Waves of robots keep comming, facing more than he ever faced alone until at some point he got overwhelmed and one managed to trap him.
Next thing he knew is that he is spinned around and riding robots against his will.
He manages to get up of the situation and keep fighting, only to get trapped by another robot, and later another and another.//
(link: "Wake up")[ (goto: "Game") ]
As Tails is on the road, far away spots badniks patrolling the sky around the city while the local authorities form a barricade at the entrance.
Suddenly fast shadows appear on the ground which makes Tails look above. A bunch of buzz bombers are in the air nearby and surround him. Is all happening just like was during the disaster.
Tails tries to fight them all but he's currently weaker than back them so after defeat a coupld badniks, the rest manages to overwhelm Tails and one traps him from behind and lift him from the ground.
Struggling and kicking around, Tails tries to get free but then feels weird as detect something in the air. He became aroused out of nowhere despite he trying to resist and the robot in front of him takes his chance and connect his hole with Tails cock, sucking it in and masturbating the distressed fox, pleasuring him against his will and making him moan.
The badnik continue sucking Tails cock over and over until he can't resist any longer and cum hard into the robot.
Tails is tired but think is all over, ust to feel how he is being lifted even more into the air. The swarm of robots kidnapped him, taking him somewhere we all can milk him.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
//Tails is advancing in the dark village, giving him halloween vibes as see a few transparent beings and pumpkins walking around. When he's deeper and able to see structures up ahead, in an instant red eyed ghost-like creatures appear.
Despite their appareance and able to levitate, Tails's still able to attack them but they are more sneaky, giving him more trouble but able to see them deflate like ballons when defeat them.
Suddenly he see a pair of glowing eyes, Tails feels weird and relaxed at the same time, not wanting to move as they are making eye contact.
Then he wakes up from the short hipnosis and see how he is lifted in the air with pentagram portals under and above him and a weird looking worm going up towards him while a tentacle cover him between his legs.//
(link: "Wake up")[ (goto: "Game") ]
As the last sun ray dissapears from the sky, weird giggles are heard nearby. Tails is alert but become anxious as the giggles gets more mocking as sounds closer.
Nothing happens for a moment until Tails see a couple glowing eyes looking directly at his. Tails just look at them like a deer in headlights, unable to understand and not wanting to move but still somehow feels familiar.
His mind relax and he smiles lightly. He hasn't smiled in so long since the disaster and felt good for a moment, until his body recognizes this sensation snapping from the trance and see red light under his feet. A red pentagram formed under him.
Energy: $Energy
(if: $Energy < 35)[Tails tries to run away but tentacles appear from another pentagram above him and trap him while the roundy ghost laugh amuzed.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[Uh oh]
[[Next|LustCloud Eyes in the Dark BadEnd]] ](else:)[Tails jump fast, moving away and barely managing to avoid the tentacles that came from the pentagram portals.
He runs as fast as he can to his house where he feels safe.
(set: $Energy to $Energy - 10) -10 Energy
(link: "Back to Home")[ (goto: "Game") ]
]Feels the ghots hands open his legs while the tentacles lift him from the ground and molest him until he's exposed. Then feels how one of the tentacles surround his foxhood and begin to masturbate him.
Tails struggle to get away while trying to fight his lewd emotions as the red eyed ghost continue laughting and masturbating the little fox. Later a tentacle rubs his not so little anus hard until it go in.
Kicking at the air, Tails is being masturbated and fucked for a long time, complaining and moaning as he's being sexually assaulted until he can't contain himself anymore and cums hard into the air.
Tails falls to the ground, gasping for air as his cock is still leaking, but then notices some other creatures that got atracted by his sexual smell and who are excited to spend time with the little fox.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
Tails proceeds to the Airport but big blue creatures emerges from the ground. Resembling humanoid chameleons with thick forearms and purple smoke emitting from their back, Deep Nightmares are called by the darkness of the night.
At first he don't understand why they here as Dark Gaia is no more but then he detects a weird smell in the air which energize him at first but end quickly arousing him. He panics, an invisible cloud of the potion is in the air in this area.
As the night creatures cause havoc in the airport, Tails runs to the hangar where is the Tornado but they begging to follow him. They are slow so Tails dodges the creatures on his way
When entered the hangar, he's pushed to the ground by one of them. Tails tries to fight but the creature is very strong and not let go of the little fox.
Flashbacks of his previous encounters with them cause him to worry, and even more when see the hard cock of the neon creature.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[Uh oh]
[[Next|LustCloud Nightmare Bad End]]
The Deep Nightmare lifts Tails with his big and strong arms like a doll and then open his big mouth for then engulf half of Tail's body, trapping him in place and lick him around.
Tails is scared at first and tries to push himself away from that big mouth but the tongue exploring him increases his arousal to the point of moan when the large tongue surround his cock, moving it around and licking the precum from the tip.
Then neon creature expertly masturbate Tail's cock with his tongue, making the fox to moan over and over, losing strength and succumbing to the lust.
The Deep Nightmare continue pleasing Tails until he can't resist any longer and cum in the monster's mouth who proceed to drink it eagerly.
For a moment the fox believes is the end and that would get free but the creature not let go of Tails and continue licking his privates nonstoping, while walking away from the hangar and into the forest. Tails hit him trying to get free but he gets weaker as he gets molested.
They dissapear into the darkness.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
//Tails is fighting hordes of dark creatures, and among them appear Deep Nightmares. Big dark blue chameleons with neon markings on their body and big and strong arms, the minions of Dark Gaia.
Dark Gaia been defeated long ago but a fraction of his remaining minions stayed dormant in the ground because of the sunlight on the opposite site of the planet during Dark Gaia's awakening and now they are being awakened because of the love potions dispersed in this zone.
Tails uses bombs to keep them away from him as their numbers just seem to increase but then one manages to get behind him and grab him for then open his big mouth and his tentacle like tongue forces its way into Tails's mouth.
The arousal make him enjoy it for a moment until he feel something pokes his butt.//
(link: "Wake up")[ (goto: "Game") ]
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As Tails fly in the sky with the tornado, a big cloud gets on the way but he avoid it without trouble but from it emerges a group of badniks who give chase to the tornado.
The plane is too fast for most of them but Tails is too focused on the badniks behind until notice a few more comes from the front.
Plane Level: $PlaneLevel
(if: $PlaneLevel > 0)[ Tails maneuver fast enough to avoid the robots comming at him and shoots as many as he can while avoidinf their fire.
The remaining badniks flee the area and Tails continue his journey but proud of himself for once.
(set: $Mood to $Mood + 3)+Mood
(link: "Continue")[ (goto: "City") ]
](else:)[ Tails maneuver as best as he can, avoiding robots and their shoots but one ended crashin against the Tornado, damaging partially the engine and plane controls which ends with the tornado going straight forward while slowly losing altitude.
The plane keeps advancing and now is flying over the ocean while Tails is working as fast as he can for fix it until he succeed on recover the control, directing the plane back home but it is too late as the engine keeps getting worse until stops working.
Tails sends an emergency alert on the radio and giving his coordinates while manuever the plane as best he can as falls to the ocean.
He manages the best possible outcome of his current situation, landing on water with the less damage possible. The fox took precautions long ago if this day would ever come so the plane will take a while to sunk, giving enough time for a possible rescue.
He got ready to fly for point out better his location... that's until a tentacle grab his leg.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[Uh oh.]
(if: $LustSceneCityFly is 1)[ [[Next|LustCloud Fall Bad End]] ](else:)[ [[Next|LustCloud Fall Bad End B]] ]
(set: $LustSceneCityFly to 0)
Tails is dragged into the water. He struggles against the tentacle holding him so more tentacles appear until he is unable to move. Then he see one octopus-like creature that look him with a funny face.
Then notice a shadow over him, a dolphin. At first he hoped would help him but noticed that the actuatic mammal is aroused as his large pointy cock is exposed for the little fox to see.
Fear make him struggle harder as the dolphin gets in position behind Tails while the fox is being help in place until the cock gets in. Tails make muffled moans of protest as he is being mated by the dolphin, feeling its peculiar cock moving like a tentacle inside him and pushing his button, making the fox see stars and his own cock get hard.
The dolphin moves, fucking Tails deep until it release seed into the him and moving away. His butt hurts but he manage to escape from the tentacles hold and swim quick to the surface.
Thanks to his previous adventures, Tails is able to resist under water for a long time but still wanted get out quick and go onto the plane... but his predicament isn't over as an electric eel is moving towards him.
[[Next|LustCloud Fall Bad End 2]]
Tails catch his breath as reach the surface and swim towards the tornado while leaving a trail of sperm behind which attracted the electric eel and swim quick towards him.
When Tails reach the tornado, notices it partially sink but still will resist long enough for help to arrive so he have to hold on it for the time being... until he feels something suddenly pocking him hard on his behind.
Tails kicks around trying to scare it away but the fish is persistent, poking and molesting his violated and opened hole until after more struggle it manages to get in with dolphin's cum as lube.
With a loud cry, the fox tries to push out the eel but it keeps moving erratically until it dissapears completely inside. Tails hold his stomach as feel it writhing around and arousing him even that he not want to.
Suddenly an electric shock runs through his body and his cock shoots cum mixed with electricity. Tails made the ocean more salty.
When the help arrived, they encountered the fox totally tired with his tummy moving as the eel refused to leave and use him as his new home and caused another electric shock when someone tried to do something to take it out.
Tails got sent to a hospital where he was forced to push out the eel like if he was giving birth.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
(link: "Return to Menu")[ (goto: "Menu") ]
Tails is dragged into the water. He struggles against the tentacle holding him so more tentacles appear until he is unable to move. Then he see one squid-like creature that look him with a funny face.
Then notice a shadow over him, an electric eel. Tails in that moment remembered the recent dream he had and a mix of panic and arousal floods his body. While he tries to resist his emotions the tentacles and the eel rub him all over, molesting him until he got hard.
Then the octopus creature hold him in position with his legs open and his butt exposed for the eel which begin to press itself eagerly to Tails anus. He tries to hold close his butthole while keeps trying to get free but the tentacles not let him go.
The three struggle until the butthole gives in and the eel swim forward as fast as it can and enter into Tails who makes a muffled scream as another tentacle covers his mouth.
Tails can feel the eel filling his guts with its body, moving around and exploring the fox from inside until reach deep enough and suddenly an electric charge flow in all his body and forcing him to orgasm even that he don't want to.
To his luck, the creature holding him got the discharge as well, causing to release him and with the strength he has left push out the electric eel from his butt.
Thanks to his previous adventures, Tails is able to resist under water for a long time but still wanted get out quick and go onto the plane... but his predicament isn't over as the squid of funny face is moving towards him.
[[Next|LustCloud Fall Bad End 2B]]
Tails catch his breath as reach the surface and swim towards the tornado while the squid swim quick towards him.
When Tails reach the tornado, notices it partially sink but still will resist long enough for help to arrive so he have to hold onto it for the time being... until he feels something suddenly pocking him hard on his behind.
Tails kicks and punch the tentacles trying to scare it away but the squid is persistent, poking and molesting his violated and opened hole until after more struggle it holds Tails legs open for a moment and push itself in, entering completely into the little fox.
He let out a lud cry, feeling so full inside. His tummy inflates as the creature squirm around inside him.
(color:orange)[**Tails**]: (color:orange)[UGGGH OOH! AAAAHH!!! NOOOOO! NOT AGAIN!! I DON'T WANNA GET PREGNANT!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!]
The fox holds his tummy while trying to push out the creature but its futile and it does what it wants with him until forces him to orgasm while still hold to the plane.
Then his tummy deflates and now two squids comes out from him. The tired fox looks at them in shock which gets even bigger when one of them goes inside again.
The ocean only heard the cries and grunts of Tails as he gets violated and used for reproduction over and over.
When the help arrived, they encountered the fox totally tired with his tummy moving as another squid was inside him and refused to leave.
Tails got sent to a hospital where he was forced to push out, basically giving bith with bunch of squids comming out of him before managed to expel all of them.
**GAME OVER** </style><img src="https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/138259/isolated/preview/9862d38d6a565e2a1aba75711a702f1f-splatter-cartoon-stain.png" width="40px" height="40px"></div>
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